Leader Character is now Cool!

”The nature of the person” – James Comey [Former Director of the FBI] The phrase has been on my mind a lot these days.  I am drawn to the drama that is politics in the US.   The James Comey Testimony reveals a great deal about the nature of the person[s] in US politics these days.  […]

What do you Read?

I think it is very telling when you look at a business leader’s bookshelf.   We all have our favourites and if you are anything like me they have annotations in the margins and phrases that are underlined.   I love to read – it has been the source for constant learning. When coaching executives – I […]

How’s Your Brand?

“Leadership is solving problems. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help or concluded you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership.” Colin Powell The quote has been resonating in my mind for the past […]

On Being Professional

 Articles about recruiters have been written over the years by satisfied and not so satisfied candidates.   If a recruiter has introduced you to a fabulous new opportunity that has positively changed your career – you may write something good or great about the industry or the company the recruiter represents or even the individual that […]